Wednesday, October 10, 2007 |
Choosing a Path |
I seek to narrow my footsteps down an arduous path of self-discovery; to know of our nature within, and hope to God that such a nature be made concrete through my life. Life is more than what I am, but all of the things I've singled out and cast aside. To resign to my strengths and weaknesses although I lack the skill of expertise, to become an eclectic bystander of my own ambition. It doesn't follow down a narrow path of self-discovery, but one of options, one of broadness and mediocrity, and I must sign the treaty or burn the bridge. Must I remain the indecisive pauper?
I wonder then, what is mediocrity? Am I to absorb the niches and generality of all, or am I to solely devote myself to purpose? People are not fulfilled by purpose, they are fulfilled by that which occupies reason; to provide comfort, purpose is an arbitrator of action. Maturity asks that we play our part in shaping the future, it asks to humble ourselves and identify our strengths and weaknesses, and such I am, we are
To be a part of something greater, not a saviour, but a part. If we all have the same destination, why is it so hard to follow a path?
I cringe inside, the demon's lies Whispers to me that I know nothing Nothing worth acting upon, no point No purpose to exude but a empty vessel
I scream to myself, cast out this spirit holding me desperately searching, blind Scratches at the recesses of doubt And my darkness churns, cast silently into retreat It seals my hope and churns my soul
No! I will not be defeated by such Look! The grass, the trees! The stars, the oceans, the waterside! The streetlamps, the sidewalks! The frothing tide! The amber light shines!
The pebble stone tossed into the moon Rippled pond beating, resounding heart Hands intertwined and vines within Wrapping and growing The spider trinkling threaded weave Mingled cheeks and passioned lips The very procreated of creation Sanctified by the very essence of God!
All of life, all of existence screams a resounding No! We will live on and serve! We will, we are, and such we live until the end! The heartbeat of all
All of life screams for life, and I live for such
posted by David @ 4:09 PM  |
I believe it's your destiny to travel and try new things. You're a student of the universe. There's no set path. you have pluto in the first house. You're all about change. Once you realize this, maybe you'll stop trying to resist. Besides, one thing's set. We're goin to travel together and see lots of things before we think about settling for something less.
Yeah- we create our own path. How we make it is up to us. :)
So many choices to make, but so much time.
I relate to this. But I spent years denying my path. I landed in it anyway, but it took me a while to say: Okay, now I am open, what should I do?
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I believe it's your destiny to travel and try new things. You're a student of the universe. There's no set path. you have pluto in the first house. You're all about change. Once you realize this, maybe you'll stop trying to resist. Besides, one thing's set. We're goin to travel together and see lots of things before we think about settling for something less.